Like any meaningful role, caring requires advanced skills,
in particular those which enable complex interactions to take place. Most
individuals who require care depend on the carer being able to recognise and
respond to ever changing needs in a person-centred way. Often there will be
barriers to communication and, frequently, there will be emotionally charged
situations to manage. Meeting these challenges is only possible when the carer
possesses interpersonal skills such
as: empathy; genuine positive regard; active listening; emotional dexterity and
intrapersonal skills such as:
self-awareness; reflection; critical analysis and emotion awareness. A carer
who lacks the necessary ‘inter’ and ‘intra’ personal skills‘ will find it very
difficult to be receptive and responsive to the subtle needs of the individual.
This is particularly pertinent when dealing with vulnerable people who may find
it difficult to articulate their needs. ‘Inter’ and ‘intra’ personal skills can
be described collectively as ‘Emotional Intelligence’.